
Friday, 26 August 2011

Wards Well Ecology Survey

Cotton pygmy geeseSouthern squatter pigeonred backed fairy wrenSouthern squatter pigeonRed winged parrotintermediate egret
Australasian grebeAustralasian darterAustralasian grebeSacred kngfisherPallid cuckoo

Wards Well Ecology Survey, a set on Flickr.

Record shots from the latest survey, a potential mine site over in central queensland.

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Palms National Park, Queensland

Grey headed flying foxGrey headed flying foxGrey headed flying foxGrey headed flying foxGrey headed flying foxGrey headed flying fox
Grey headed flying fox roostingGrey headed flying foxGrey headed flying foxGrey headed flying foxGrey headed flying foxGrey headed flying fox

A collection of photos from a bat camp at The palms National Park in Queensland

Bunya Mountains National Park

Superb fairy wrenWhite browed scrubwrenLewins honeyeaterParadise riflebirdParadise riflebirdYellow throated scrubwren
Crimson rosellaRed necked wallabySatin bowerbirdSatin bowerbirdBrush turkeySatin bowerbird
Regent BowerbirdRegent BowerbirdGrass trees Bunya Mountains, QueenslandGrey shrike thrushEastern yellow robinEastern yellow robin
Eastern shrike titSuperb fairy wrenGrass trees Bunya Mountains, QueenslandGrass trees Bunya Mountains, QueenslandGrass trees Bunya Mountains, QueenslandSatin bowerbird

A collection of photos from Bunya Mountains National Park in Queensland, Australia.

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Togara, Central Queensland

Red Backed Fairy WrenDouble Barred FinchDouble Barred FinchesBrown FalconBrown FalconBrown Falcon
Two Spotted Line BlueCaper WhiteGrey FantailWillie WagtailTree MartinBlack Fronted Dottrel
GalahGalahGalahRed Winged ParrotDam at Dawn, Taroon, QLDHardhead
Australian Dartersulphur crested cockatoowhite faced heronsulphur crested cockatoocockatielWhistling Kite

Photos from the latest survey in Togara, Central Queensland. Using the D7000 and Sigma 50-500mm.